Monday, October 25, 2010

Movie Review: The Least Among You

The Least Among You, starring Louis Gossett, Jr., relates the true story of a young black man, Richard Kelly (Cedric Sanders), who is arrested during race riots in the 1960s and as a result finds himself enrolled in an all-white seminary according to the terms of his probation.  Although the seminary president (William Devane)--for political reasons--encourages Kelly to take a leadership role at the school, Kelly faces hostility from his classmates and professors.  Only when Kelly forges a relationship with the older black custodian of the school, Samuel Benton (Louis Gosset, Jr.), does Kelly begin to develop the spiritual depth required for him to truly step out in leadership at the seminary.

This movie provides an interesting portrait of the racial turbulence that pervaded even the religious institutions of the period. Although at times, the storyline was complicated and distracted from the overall message of the movie, Kelly's story of personal growth and conviction is truly inspiring.

Thomas Nelson provided a complimentary copy of this DVD for review, but the opinions expressed here are my own.

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